Welcome to the Cisco
ESG Reporting Hub
Here, you will find relevant information and data related to many aspects of our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives, performance, and policies.
Cisco's Purpose is to Power an Inclusive Future for All. Our FY23 Purpose Report summarizes how we are bringing this purpose to life. The report describes our commitments, goals, progress, and impact for the ESG topics that are significant to advancing Cisco’s purpose and are important for our stakeholders. This ESG Reporting Hub includes in-depth information on reporting topics.

Our people highlights
employee participation in community impact for fourth year in a row
increase in representation of all employees who self-identify as African American/Black from entry level through manager (FY20 base year)

Our global communities highlights
US$461 million
million in cash and in-kind contributions provided by Cisco and the Cisco Foundation, including US$387 million in in-kind contributions for Cisco Networking Academy (FY23)
Positively impacted
1.1 billion
people through our social impact grants and signature programs (FY16-FY23)1
1 Learn more about our validation methodology.

Environment highlights
The Plan
for Possible
our next-generation sustainability strategy
Reduced Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by
compared to FY19 base year